
School has been canceled for today, March 7th.

Open Enrollment Information

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment applications must be submitted to the resident and receiving districts.  Students that open enroll in grades 9 through 12, shall not be eligible to participate in varsity contests and competitions during the first 90 school days of the transfer.  Please contact the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union at (515) 288-9741 or the Iowa High School Athletic Association at (515) 432-2011 for questions regarding eligibility.

Transportation Assistance – Parents are responsible for transporting children open enrolled in another district.  This applies to all students including those with an IEP.  If the need for transportation as a related service is stated in the IEP, as a general rule the parent is responsible for this obligation under open enrollment.  If a child open enrolls to a district that is contiguous (borders) to the home district, and the parents’ income meets economic eligibility requirements, the family may receive a stipend for transportation or be provided transportation by the district.  Income verification must be provided to the resident district.

You may find more information by going to the Dept. of Education website at https://www.educateiowa.gov/

You may call the Glidden-Ralston Community School, 712-659-3411, for assistance.

Open enrollment deadline for the 2025-2026 school year is March 1, 2025.

Download Application

REQUIRED HEALTH DOCUMENTS (for all 3rd, 7th, 9th, & 12 Grade students)

  • Dental Screening Certificate for Kindergarten and 9th grade students Click Here
  • Vision Screening Certificate for Kindergarten and 3rd grade students Click Here
  • Iowa Immunization Program Info Click Here