
School has been canceled for today, March 7th.

Music Department

On Saturday, October 28th, Natasha Bird on flute  and Brent Thielen on trumpet auditioned for the South West Iowa Bandmasters Association Middle School Honor Bands in Clarinda. Both were required to play a song and play 4 scales from memory in front of 2 judges. Brent and Natasha competed with players from many larger schools. Some brought in two bus loads full of students. While Natasha did not make it she definitely did an awesome job and had some pretty stiff competition. If you see Natasha tell her she did a great job.


Brent was accepted into the honor band. A pretty big feat for a seventh grader. Something that hasn’t happened at Glidden in a while. If you see him be sure to tell him congratulations. The concert is scheduled for Friday, November 10th at Atlantic High School.